

英 [wɜ:d]
美 [wɜrd]


  • n.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 变形



    1. [C] 字,词 the smallest unit of spoken language which has meaning and can stand alone
    2. [C] (说的)话,话语,言语 anything said; remark or statement
    3. [S] 消息,信息; 谣言 piece of news; message; rumour
    4. [S] 口令,号令; 命令 spoken command or signal
    5. [S] 诺言,保证 a promise
    1. vt. 用词语表达; 选用 express (sth) in particular words; phrase sth


    word[ wə:d ]

    • n.
      • a unit of language that native speakers can identify

        "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning"

      • a brief statement

        "he didn't say a word about it"

      • new information about specific and timely events


      • the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)


      • a promise

        "he gave his word"

        同义词:paroleword of honor

      • a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group

        "he forgot the password"


      • an exchange of views on some topic

        "we had a word or two about it"


      • the sacred writings of the Christian religions

        同义词:BibleChristian BibleBookGood BookHoly ScriptureHoly WritScriptureWord of God

      • a verbal command for action

        "when I give the word, charge!"

      • a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory

        "large computers use words up to 64 bits long"

    • v.put into words or an expression

      同义词:give voiceformulatephrasearticulate



    用作名词 (n.)
    • address a few words讲几句话
    • await word from sb等待某人的消息
    • break one's words食言
    • breathe a word走漏消息
    • bring word带来消息
    • choose a word选择词
    • coin a word杜撰一个词
    • cook up words造新词
    • cross out a word划掉一个词
    • cut out many words删掉许多词
    • digest a word消化一个词
    • doubt sb's words怀疑某人的话
    • drink in all the words吸收所有的词语
    • eat one's words收回前言,认错,道歉
    • exchange angry words发生口角
    • find words找出言语(来表达)
    • gain the good word of博得…的赞扬
    • get word得到消息
    • get a word插嘴
    • give one's word保证,允许
    • give the word发出命令
    • have words together争吵
    • have words with sb与某人吵嘴
    • have a word with sb同某人谈一谈
    • hunt up a word查一个词
    • keep one's word信守诺言
    • leave word留言
    • leave out a word省略一个词,丢掉一个词
    • look up a word(在词典里)查一个词
    • memorize words记单词
    • play on words玩弄字眼
    • pronounce a word读一个词
    • put in words for为…说几句话
    • put the words into sb's mouth教某人怎么讲
    • quote a word引用一个词
    • receive word of收到…消息
    • regret one's words为说过的话而后悔
    • respect one's word遵守自己许下的诺言
    • say a word说句话,进一步,走漏消息
    • say a few words说几句话
    • say a good word for sb为某人说好话
    • send sb a word给某人捎个信儿
    • spell a word拼写一个词
    • stress the word重读那个词
    • take back one's word收回自己的话
    • take sb's word for it相信了某人的话
    • understand a word理解某个词的意思
    • use words用词
    • waste one's words白费口舌
    • weigh words斟酌词句
    • write a word写一个词
    • advance word事先传出的消息
    • angry words气话
    • beautiful words优美的言辞
    • big words大话
    • borrowed word外来词
    • broken words断断续续的话
    • burning words热情洋溢的话
    • choice words精选的词句
    • colorful words丰富的言辞
    • cross words气话
    • empty words空洞的话,无意义的话
    • everyday word日常用语
    • farewell words送别词
    • fighting words容易引起争论的话,挑战性的话
    • foreign word外来词
    • hard words愤怒的话,激烈的话
    • heated word激烈的言词,争吵时使用的话
    • high words愤怒的话,激烈的话
    • hollow words虚假的言语
    • honeyed words甜言蜜语
    • hot words激烈的言词,争吵时使用的话
    • household word家喻户晓的词
    • irresponsible words不负责任的话
    • key words关键的字眼
    • last words临终遗言
    • living words现代语
    • meaningful words意味深长的言语
    • meaningless words无意义的话
    • misspelled word拼错的词
    • native word本国词,本地词
    • pleasant words动听的语言
    • regional word方言
    • scientific word科学用语
    • semi-technical words半科技词
    • sharp words愤怒的话,激烈的话
    • simple word简单的词
    • sincere words真诚的话
    • small word小词
    • spoken words口头语
    • suggestive words含蓄的话
    • sweet words甜言蜜语
    • tearful parting words伤感的离别之言
    • the latest word最新消息,最后消息
    • uncleanly words下流话
    • unfamiliar word生词
    • unusual word冷僻词
    • warm words忿怒的话,激烈的话
    • written words书面语
    • wrong words错词
    • dictionary word词典里出现的词
    • English words英语单词
    • law word法律用语
    • newspaper word新闻用语
    • slang word俚语
    • at a word立即,立刻
    • in a word简言之,总之
    • in one's own words用自己的话说
    • in other words换言之
    • upon my word的确,真的
    • without a word一声没吭
    • word in heavy type黑体字
    • words in season时宜的话
    • words of comfort安慰的话
    • words of command命令
    • words of complaint怨言
    • the W- of God圣经
    • words of praise表扬的话
    • word of six letters六个字母的词
    • words of thanks感谢的话
    用作动词 (v.)
    • word the explanation解释
    • word accurately准确地用言语表达
    • word crudely简单地用词语〔语言〕表达
    • word felicitously恰当地用言语表达
    • word intelligibly清楚地用语言表达
    • word positively明确地用词语表达
    • word vaguely含糊地表达
    • word well措辞得体


    in other word换句话说;也就是说

    in a word总之;简言之

    one word一个字;一句话

    last word最后一句话;最后决定权;最新成果;最新形式

    word of god上帝之道(圣经工具)

    in the word到底,究竟

    in word口头上

    word processing[计]字处理;文字处理

    word of mouth口头宣传;口头传达的

    in one word总之;一句话

    word processor n. 文字处理机;文字处理软件

    without a word一句话也没说;一声不吭

    key word[计]关键字;保留字

    have a word with与……谈几句话,和……谈一谈;与...商谈

    word order[语]词序

    good words好听的话,赞扬的话,恭维话;有意和解的话

    word for word逐字地

    word formation n. 构词,构词法;词性转换

    in another word换句话说;也就是说

    say the word v. 发布命令



    vocabulary, word


    word 具体的单词He has a large vocabulary.

    lexicon, term, vocabulary, word, language








    1. Could we have a word before you go to the meeting?
    2. Tell me what happened in your own words.
    3. My friend sent word that he was well.


    Word Meaning and Montague Grammar
    Word association norms, mutual information, and lexicography
    Word association norms, mutual information, and lexicography
    Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation
    Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
    Handbook of formal languages, vol. 1: word, language, grammar
    A distributed, developmental model of word recognition and naming
    Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion platforms: What motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the Internet?
    Positron emission tomographic studies of the cortical anatomy of single-word processing
    Mermelstein, P.: Comparison of parametric representations for monosyllabic word recognition in continuously spoken sentences. IEEE T...
    下一篇:word class